First of Its Kind TV Show
First of Its Kind       TV Show

Notable Inventor

In 1901, Japanese chemist, Satori Kato, invented the first successful method of creating a stable soluble coffee powder.


A U.S. coffee importer and a coffee roaster asked him to apply his dehydration method to coffee. In 1903, he obtained a patent for the method. 




Soluble Coffee Also Known as Instant Coffee


Notable Inventor

Clarence Crane started out producing chocolate candy in Cleveland, Ohio. During the summer, most people did not buy chocolate because it melted easily in the heat.


In 1912, Crane came up with an idea for a new candy. He used a machine that pharmacists utilized to manufacture round flat pills. He punched a hole in the middle of the candy, making it resemble a life preserver. Clarence Crane called his new candy Life Savers.



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